


    Onze winkel in 's-Heerenberg

    In 's-Heerenberg (Netherlands), you'll find our 250m2 showroom/warehouse.

    Not everything is in stock!

    Please note, not the entire online assortment is in stock at the store. Check the stock notifications on the website for availability of the articles. If you want to see something specific, send a WhatsApp message, call (0031)/(0) 639755891, or email [email protected] first to avoid unnecessary trips.

    Opening hours:

    Mon: By appointment, if possible due to saddle fitting service.
    Tue: 09:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00
    Wed: By appointment
    Thu: By appointment, if possible due to saddle fitting service.
    Fri: 09:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00
    Sat: 09:00 - 13:00


    Handelsweg 6a
    7041 GX 's-Heerenberg

    How to get there?

    The store is about 5 minutes from the A12/A3 highway. Handelsweg is a through street. Parking is available in front of the building. Entrance around the left corner.

    Payment options:

    Card payment

    Pay by card? Yes, please! You can pay with Mastercard, Maestro, VISA, and Vpay cards. Credit cards are not accepted.

    Cash payment

    You can also pay with exact cash. No change is available.

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